Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blog Topics, Brain Blocks, and Procrastination

Tragedy! I'm only a few weeks into my blog and already I've begun to run out of interesting things to talk about. When it really comes down to it, my life isn't nearly as interesting as I'd like it to be. I could talk about the beautiful sunsets that have colored the sky these past few weeks, or the skewed definition of what a "best friend" is; but quite honestly, I don't want to waste your time or mine with overused topics. I'm not creative enough to be able to revamp them and make them interesting like some people can.

So, in an attempt to cure this lack of inspiration, I used Google (what a marvelous contraption) to find something called a "Random Topic Generator for Blogs."

What? I know right!! Clearly someone suffers from the same brain blockage that I do! Thank God.

Anyway, the first generated topics didn't really seem to fit what I was looking for, though a few did give me a good laugh. I mean, who doesn't want to write about the ethical consequences of plagiarism? Um, that would be me. "My favorite dinosaur" didn't seem like a likely topic either, so I ditched the "Opinion" category and decided to look under "Personal".

Let me just say- this topic generator must have special technological x-ray vision that sees into the depths of your soul, because the first topic that popped up was "Procrastination methods". Ouch.

I like to think that I'm not as bad about procrastinating as some people, but then I look at the mountain of overdue homework that I have and that excuse goes out the window. So here it is, my methods of procrastination when it comes to homework:

1. Wow, my room is so messy! I should really clean it-
my Civics project can wait a few more hours.

2. Okay, time to research the devastating effects of the Holocaust- again.
Ah! Jenna Marbles has posted another video- I think I'll watch it. And this one. And this one. And that other one...

3. Grammar, or Physics? That is the question...
How about reruns of Sherlock? The "proper" British language and the dead body forensics is like a double whammy!

4. I should do laundry. I should do laundry. I should do laundry.
Oh hey, someone just put up a blog post about crossword puzzles!

5. Alright, sit down and write your essay, it's only 500 words.
But I need to be somewhere in 3.5 hours, I don't want to start something and then have to stop in the middle of it.

6. I really need to take my dog for a walk.
But my friend lent me Les Miserables, and I've only read 5 chapters! She could change her mind about letting me keep it as long as I want; what if she wants it back tomorrow?

And the list could go on. I'm sure everyone has their own methods of procrastination, probably more interesting than mine. So leave a comment and let me know your best/worst procrastination methods! Also, if your blog is lacking in topic variety- check out the Blog Topic Generator; I guarantee it'll at least give you a laugh, if not inspiration.


  1. I feel you! When I first started my current blog (about 4 years ago) it only lasted for four or five posts before I ran out of things to say. I think it was because I tried too hard to focus on one theme. When I found MIlla's blog last year (, I was inspired to start again with the goal of simply getting my thoughts out there, whatever they may be. It's my number one cure for writer's block. And as for my favorite procrastination's probably blog stalking! Haha.

    I'm Juliana, by the way :)

    1. Hey Juliana! :) Thanks for the comment. Blog stalking has definitely been working its way up on my list of Top Procrastination Methods. It's like once you start you just can't stop!
      Oh, by the way, I've read your blog and I love it! The simplicity is refreshing and your posts are easy/relaxing to read. :)

    2. Aw thank you! Two things:
      a) Are you talking about the relatively new Sherlock series or the old (awesome) one?
      b) You should add a followers button :) (if it's not already on here and I'm missing it)

    3. a) Haha xD I was actually referring to the BBC television show "Sherlock", with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.
      b) Now there's an idea! *facepalm* I didn't realize that you had to actually add a follower button. Thank you so much for pointing that out. :)
