Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tunnel Book (1)

Alright, so I'm breaking my own rule about posting more than once in a single day- but since I mentioned this as a "follow-up" post here, I think I'll let it slide. ;) Okay, moving on to gushing about my latest obsession; tunnel books.

I want to start off by saying where I found the inspiration for my tunnel book because, God knows, I couldn't have come up with it on my own. I got the general idea of having a story (or in this case, a quote) accompanying a 3-D picture from morethanaghost on Deviantart. Here's a picture of her tunnel book- "Like Leaves":

I don't need to tell you how freakin' adorable it is! Be sure to check out her page on Deviantart. She's a very talented artist and deserves to have her work recognized.
Anyway, I decided- spur of the moment- to create a tunnel book for my best friend. He's a wannabe film director who's obsessed with old movies and Jimmy Stewart. (I wish you could hear his Jimmy impersonation; makes me laugh every time.) Because of this, I decided to theme my tunnel book after the movie "It's a Wonderful Life"; particularly the scene where George says that he'll "lasso the moon" for Mary.
I spent a good two hours sketching and then cutting out the different slides on some plain white posterboard. I'm not good at drawing, so you're not allowed to laugh at my people. ;P
Here's what I have so far (sorry, picture quality's not the best):

When I actually put the pieces of the book together they won't be flat against each other, they'll be spaced out, creating a three-dimensional look (similar to morethanaghost's). I then created a little envelope with the lines from that scene of the movie written out on it:

I realize that right now it looks quite similar to morethanaghost's book, but I'm hoping that the more familiar I get with the technique and the general idea, the more unique my tunnel book will become. I'll be sure to post regular updates of the process for anyone who's interested. :) And again, be sure to check out some of ghost's work! 

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