Monday, January 28, 2013

Tunnel Book Update (2)

         Here's another update on my tunnel book project; complete with pictures! Though the actual process of making one of these probably doesn't have to take a month, I've been taking my time on it and not really making a point of sitting down and finishing it- no rush. It's nice to have at least one project that I don't have a "due date" on.

Anyway, the last time I sat down to work on "It's a Wonderful Life", I painted all of the slides and then glued them onto the binding.

I used regular acrylic paint that's probably way past it's prime (and more than likely the cheapest you can possibly buy). Hey- I'm not an artist, so it doesn't bother me. ;)
The only tip I have for painting (or coloring): make sure that you paint down far enough so that when you line up the slides there won't be any white showing. I didn't paint quite far enough down on the third slide so it looks a little awkward when I line them up; I'll go back and fix it eventually.
Oh gosh- ignore the basket of laundry in the background; there's nothing too embarrassing there.
(Clearly I'm not a photographer either.)
Alright, so after painting I got out my hot-glue gun and glued the slides to the binding. I made the binding by just accordion-folding a piece of paper that was cut to the size of the slides. Make sure you space the slides evenly.
Tip for gluing: No matter how badly you want to pull off those little glue strings right away; wait for them to cool first! And don't poke the hot drops of glue.
The camera quality isn't the best, so it doesn't do the colors justice and all that nonsense.
Next time I work on the book I'm going to go back and paint the border and hopefully work out a cover for it. My measurements were off on some things (patience isn't a strong point for me when it comes to art) so the slides buckle out a little more than I would like. Just make sure that you line everything up really well before you glue it in place. Yeah... learn from my mistakes.
Anyway, more updates to follow! Until next time. :)

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