Friday, January 4, 2013

Of Pocket Watches and Heartbeats

           So, I know I should probably kick off my blog with an introduction and some information about myself... But ever since creating this page in the wee hours of the morning (and I do mean wee hours), I've been preoccupied with one thing- pocket watches. My pocket watch, to be exact.

This Christmas my sisters, in all their foreknowledge and wisdom, decided to buy me a beautiful little pocket watch necklace. I was ecstatic when I found it under the tree and probably would have sat there watching the second-hand move all day if I hadn't been forced to open more gifts. (Oh, tragedy.)

However, it wasn't until a few days later that I discovered something wonderful about the watch. I was sitting in my room trying to plow through some overdue Physics homework when I heard this soft tick, tick, tick.

Alright, yes, I know that all watches tick. But really, how quiet does it usually have to be for us to pick up on that sound? Absolutely silent. No music, no talking, no loud siblings- just quiet.

Setting aside the homework for the time being, I picked up the watch (which I had kept- literally at my side- ever since Christmas) and held it up to my ear. Holding my breath and closing my eyes I concentrated on the simple tick, tick, tick of the watch. It was amazing the sense of peace that seemed to settle over me as I listened to it.

For the last few months I've been stressed out beyond belief; what with overdue essays, Christmas shopping, programs, and concerts- not to mention trying my best to graduate my senior year with better than a "D" average. I hadn't taken much time to slow down and just listen to anything. That was why the watch's slow, steady ticking was such a novelty to me.

Eyes still closed, I took one hand and placed it over my heart while still holding the pocket watch to my ear. To my surprise, after a few minutes, my heart seemed to begin beating in time with the watch's tick, tick, tick. Magical.

Unfortunately the moment was broken up by mom coming in and asking me to come sort out who's turn it was to do dishes that night. Ah well, c'est la vie.

I guess there wasn't really a specific point to this ramble, but I wanted to say something about watches- how shall I put it without it sounding too corny?

Contained inside a watch is the very essence of time... as it ticks each second away it also ticks through birth, death, the beginning of a relationship, the ending of another, and to put it quite simply, the amount of breaths we have left before we die. Who ever thought of containing time within something so simple as a pocket watch? And throughout all of these centuries no one has bothered to come up with a way to silence that endless tick, tick, tick- and for that, I am grateful.

I suppose my point is this:

Amongst all the business and hubbub of life- take a moment to sit back, grab a pocket watch, place it to your ear and put your hand over your heart; and just listen to the seconds passing you by. It's not always a bad thing to just allow them to slip away from you. Or at least, that's my take on it. ;)


  1. I enjoyed your first post (I assume this is the first post). Well written. I also respect/appreciate how you view life. The brilliance in simplicity, and you seem to take it to heart. As I was reading this post, I just happened to to be listening to my reggae list/tracks of songs. Reading and listening blended pretty well together at the last two paragraphs. Anyways.. keep it up.

    1. Hey, thanks for the comment. :) It means a lot to know people are actually reading some of what I put up here. I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
