Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Scribbles: The Night Circus

            Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, that's right! Step right up and read the first Under the Oak Tree: Sunday Scribbles ever written! This is history in the making right here; but please, hold your applause 'till the end and allow me to explain what a "Sunday Scribble" is.

"Sunday Scribbles" is the title I've decided to give to my Sunday blog posts. These posts will be reviews, rambles, and recommendations of various books that I have read in the past and can't seem to get out of my mind. No spoilers will be given, but I'll do my best to tantalize and torment you until you've finally had enough and decide to pick up the book and read it for yourself. So, without further ado, Ladies and Gents, I give you- The Night Circus!

This novel was written by Erin Morgenstern and published in 2011. I, however, didn't discover this little work of magic until Fall 2012. I was roaming around in the public library trying to find a good book that I hadn't already read before when this cover caught my eye. Now, I don't make a habit of judging a book by it's cover, but I have to say- a little eye candy never hurt anyone. I picked it up, but didn't have a chance to read the back because I had to get home; so I checked it out on faith and hoped that it wouldn't be a waste of my time.

Just a quick little rabbit trail- ever since reading Alexandre Dumas' "The Count of Monte Cristo" I hadn't been able to find a book that was capable of grabbing my attention and actually holding it. I suppose I spoiled myself a little bit on the high-quality literature of that era. Ah well, it was worth it. Needless to say, I was a little sceptical of anything that wasn't a known "classic".

Anyway, as I was saying, when I got home I decided to crack open the book and see if the story was anywhere near as cool as the cover. I'm sorry to say that it wasn't.
The Night Circus went above and beyond what the cover portrayed! Never before have I read a book so full of rich, colorful, and purely magical descriptions. Morgenstern is truly a master artist when it comes to painting pictures with words. This book is simply spell-binding. It took me an entire month to read the novel because I got so caught up in the imagery of it all that I had to reread the same lines over and over again (that, and I didn't want it to end so I would limit myself to a few chapters every night). I would force myself to put the book down at 1 in the morning and then go to sleep hoping with every fiber of my being that I would dream about the world of the Night Circus.

I really can't express in words just how much I love this book. It has romance, magic, mystery, intrigue, the works! And all of that is wrapped up and surrounded by the incomprehensible beauty of the Night Circus that Morgenstern has created. It is, quite simply, one of the most original stories I've ever read. I could continue rambling about the sheer amazingness of this novel, but I'd much rather let you pick it up and read it for yourself.

Please! If you've read The Night Circus, or if you're planning on reading it, leave a comment and let me know what you think. I'd love to hear your opinions!

Anyway, hopefully you enjoyed the first Sunday Scribble; it was a little haphazard and awkward, but we'll work on it. ;) Until next Sunday!

(You may now applaud.)

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