Saturday, January 5, 2013

"Gypsea" Tales

               Today I wanted to touch a little bit on the purpose and inspiration for my blog. First of all- I'd like to direct your attention (if you haven't already discovered this wonderful place) to the Gypsea Tree. I stumbled upon the older version of this amazing little wagon-ring about a week ago while looking for pictures of old libraries with trees growing out of them... don't ask.

Needless to say, the moment I saw it I knew I was hooked. This Gypsea woman is fantastic! She covers a wide variety of interesting subjects in her writings; from cooking to art to the best books to read during the fall. Oh, and did I mention that she also makes some pretty spiffy-lookin' scarves?

Alright, moving on... I did a little digging and discovered that Gypsea Tree first began her blog back in September of 2008- wow! Talk about dedication. That's not to say that she was posting every single day, but she definitely put some effort into keeping her wagon rolling forward. Though I enjoy learning new things and starting on projects, I have a tendency to slack off and give up after a while. Maybe it's because I get busy, or maybe it's simply because I'm lazy. One thing's for sure, I could use a little bit of that good old Gypsea dedication.

Gypsea Tree, a little more than four years later, now has 72 followers. I'm proud to say that I am one of them. She has inspired me to strike out on my own, plant myself under my oak tree, and just write. It doesn't matter if I'm rambling about the weather, or if I'm addressing the issues of booking an eagle-flight to Hobbiton; I just need to be consistent.

So, with the beginning of this new year I am creating a blog where I can share my take on everyday experiences, ramble about books I've cried my eyes out over, and share my romantic sunset pictures. Ultimately I want this to be something that I can commit to whole-heartedly and after one year say "Well, at least I didn't quit".

The only limitations that I'm placing on myself are:
1. No writing more than one blog post per day. I tend to overdo it and then burn out my creativity too quickly, resulting in a dead and abandoned blog. Not good.
2. I must write at least one post per week. Again with priorities; I have trouble making time for things in my life. Usually the gears get turning so quickly that I don't get a real "break" from life until one literally goes flying off the track. This blog will hopefully help to keep that from happening. ;)
3. Don't fake it. I don't want to end up writing meaningless things just because I think it'll up my page views. This blog, by the end of the year, should be the essence of me. I expect to change quite a bit as the year continues, but in the end I want to be able to look back and still see me underneath everything.

So there you have it! A Gypsea tale and a blog creed all rolled into one. Can't get much better than that, can you? ;)

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