Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday Scribbles: Paper Towns

Yes, this post is a little delayed, but I had an unexpected chill-out session with some of my good friends last night. And honestly, I'd take that quality friendship time over an evening of blogging any day. ;) I will not be a lonely old maid forever!

          Anyway, back on topic. I'll admit to you straight up that I can't actually remember when it was that I read this book. It must have been some time ago because all I really remember from the story is poetry, road trips, mystery, and a hopeless romance on the part of the main character.
But in all seriousness, this book had a huge impact on me when I first read it. I've talked about how my mom once encouraged me to put aside the fantasy and pick up some real literature; back then I never thought much of it. But this book, written by John Green, was probably one of the first books I read that I could qualify as "real literature".
         The complex emotions and uncertainty of the characters as they attempt to break out of the boxes they've had built up around them all their lives is moving. Not to mention, the snippets of Leaves of Grass that are scattered throughout the story as clues, exposed me to the genius of Walt Whitman; I can now proudly say that I have my own copy of his poetry sitting on my shelf.
In summary, on the surface, this book appears to be just another teen novel about growing up, graduating, and beating it out of town; but in reality, I remember this book touching so much deeper than I had expected. It exposed me to the raw uncertainty that so many people feel in their lives. And how other people can see someone as this highly intelligent, complex being; when in reality, they don't have a clue what's going on under the surface.

How can other people know us when we don't even know ourselves?

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